Type-checking, GC, Forth, rewriting.. (was: garbage collected forths)

Massimo Dentico m.dentico at virgilio.it
Thu Apr 28 22:13:39 PDT 2005

Hendrik Boom wrote:

> [..]
> > - Joy, http://cliki.tunes.org/Joy
> >    somewhat the "pure" concatenative language, much more
> >    experimental. GCed.
> Ugh Rewriting is slow.

Well, I'm not familiar with its implementation (an interpreter
written in C) but consider that:

a) Joy semantics is about pure functions from stack to stack;
   rewriting rules are used only to clarify this semantics
   and to reason about programs; there is nothing in the
   language which prevent use of Forth-like implementation
   techniques, both for interpretation - with various
   threaded code techniques - that for compilation.

   See by Anton Ertl et al.:
   Interpreter Research at Institut für Computersprachen
   Forth Research at Institut für Computersprachen
   Threaded Code,
   Compilation of Stack-Based Languages,

b) rewriting system implementations are no more so slow;
   for example, Maude's (http://cliki.tunes.org/Maude)
   authors claim (Maude v 2.1.1 Manual):



     Generally and roughly speaking, the current Maude
     implementation can execute syntactic rewriting with typical
     speeds from half a million to several million rewrites per
     second, depending on the particular application and the given
     machine (the above rough figures assume a 900 Mhz Pentium).
     Similarly, associative and associative-commutative equational
     rewriting with term patterns used in practice can be
     performed at the typical rate of one to several hundred
     thousand rewrites per second.

Also I have some idea to speed-up rewriting, which I think are
confirmed by recent research (ask, if you are interested).

> > Tell me if you are interested in type checking stack-based
> > languages, I have some references to give you.
> Yes, please.  I consider strong typing to be essential
> for the programmer's sanity, even if no attempt is made
> to use it for greater run-time eficiency.

Various work by Jaanus Pöial (http://www.kodu.ee/%7Ejpoial/),
for example:

"Typing Tools for Typeless Stack Languages"
"Stack effect calculus with typed wildcards, polymorphism and
"Program Analysis for Stack Based Languages"
"Forth and Formal Language Theory"
"Alternative Syntactic Methods for Defining Stack Based Languages"

An so on (see http://www.kodu.ee/%7Ejpoial/teadus/)

By Peter J. Knaggs
and Bill Stoddart

"Type Inference in Stack Based Languages"
"Towards a Formal FORTH"
"Practical and Theoretical Aspects of Forth Software Development"
Ph.D. of Knaggs (about types, see Ch. 6 and 7 in particular)
Also see ch. 5 par. 6 for a technique to map stack items
to registers, more simple than that used by Anton Ertl.

By Robin Popplestone, author of POP-11:

"Specifying Types by Grammars: A Polymorphic Static Type Checker
Operating at a Stack Machine Level"

"A Type Operational Semantics Based on Grammatical Characterisation
of an Abstract Machine"

"Static Analysis of PostScript Code",
by  R. Nigel Horspool, Jan Vitek

About type inference in Factor, see Slava Pestov's (its author)
"Type inference"
"Type inference part 2"

There was also strongForth, on-line here


which added strong static typing to Forth, but it seems
disappeared from the 'net. Here a copy at Internet Archive
Wayback Machine:


I think it used a similar technique exposed below.

"Polymorphic Type Checking by Interpretation of Code",
by Stefan Kahrs

In this paper a (emulated) stack is used to type-check
Miranda programs by abstractly interpreting these programs
(the type-checker itself is written in Miranda, predecessor
of Haskell).

I think this is the same technique referred above
(stack effect calculus); but it suggests a *simple*
implementation that I will *sketch* below (I assume you are
familiar with Forth lexicon):

 1. type-checking is started before compilation (of a word)
    and the idea is to "abstract interpret" your word
    definition (or program fragment)

      : word w1 w2 ... wn ;

    to infer types and numbers of parameters on the stack
    (status of the stack before and after the run-time
    execution of a word);
 2. of course, user defined words are composed starting
    from other words (w1, w2, ..., wn), so you recurse until
    arrive to system defined words ("primitives");
 3. you need to annotate each *primitive* word with its
    signature: how do you do this?
 4. There is in the system a type checker/inferer
    *vocabulary*; so, you switch to this vocabulary and
    start interpreting your word definition;
 5. in it each primitive has a "directly executable"
    signature for its parameters: invoking it, a primitive
    word consume type ids (constants) from a stack of types
    (which, with caution, is the same as the normal stack)
    and left some other type ids on the stack of types;
 6. where is the check? When a word consumes its parameters
    on the type stack, it checks that they are *compatible*§
    with what it expects; if the translator (interpreter
    /compiler) require explit type annotations for each new
    user defined word, then the type checker compare these
    type annotations to what it inferred; otherwise inferred
    types are shown to the user.

§ More complex the compatibility rules are, more "precise" is
  the type system (it is able to identify a more strict
  subset of allowed run-time values).

Note that in papers about the stack effect calculus,
type variables are introduced to allow polymorphic
words; I question their utility: I guess that one can
achieve polymorphism manipulating the stack of types
(without complexity, most of the time).

I have no formal proof of this, but I think that it's trivially
true: during checking/inference, you compute types; now,
if a pure concatenative (stack-based) language as Joy is
Turing-equivalent, then you can compute whatever types you
like without using type variables (note that so doing
without restriction, you have a type system that is not

For example, consider the polymorphic word SWAP: it exchange
the top 2 elements on the stack, of whatever types they
are; expressed with a "stack picture"

  SWAP (e1 e2 -- e2 e1)

where the notation (before -- after) describes the *data* stack
before and after the excution of SWAP; e2 is Top Of Stack (TOS)
before and e1 is TOS after,.

Now, let's look at effect of SWAP on the stack of *types*:

  SWAP (t1 t2 -- t2 t1)

where t1, t2 are type ids; they are exactly the same
(modulo the variables introduced by the notation).

But not only the stack prictures are the same, the
"interpretation semantics" of SWAP and what I will call
the "abstract interpretation semantics (for type-checking)"
of SWAP are the same; neither need the type-checking part
(during abstract interpretation, SWAP only exchange the
top 2 type ids).

So, it is convenient to implement the stack of types
by the usual data stack.

Not related to type checking, but probably interesting for you:
"Generational Stack Collection and Profile-Driven Pretenuring",
by Perry Cheng, Robert Harper, Peter Lee
About GC and stacks.

But I think this is even more interesting, about GC:
"Compile-time garbage collection for the declarative language
Mercury", Ph.D. of Nancy Mazur

> > > If so, it could be an ideal platform to which to port some
> > > of the work I'm doing on program transformation and verification.
> > >
> > > -- hendrik
> >
> > Interesting. Do you have a web page about your work?
> >
> No.  I should construct one.  Let me try to remember to write
> you when I have.  Or remind me if I forget.

Well, I can check periodically the web site of your company
if you intend to post your work there.
(It is at http://www.pooq.com/ , right?)

> I wrote a verifier using intuitionistic type theory about
> twenty years ago, on a conbination of hardware and software that's
> no longer available.  I'd like to redo it now that machines are a
> thousand times faster.
> But in the meantime, I've noticed that the notation in which
> coq (another ITT-based theorem proof-checker) archives its
> proofs and theories is a stack language.  And I've got the
> idea that it make sense to use Forth-like tools as intermediary
> metween high-level languages and machine code.

Well, if I understood your "intentions"(§), I suggest you to use
Threaded Code as intermediate data structures, with a concatenative
syntax as a simple human-readable representation; this choice has
the nice side effect that you have a simple, *fast* interpreter
of your intermediate representation, nearly for free (good for
bootstrapping and debugging).

§ pun intended, if you are *that* Hendrik Boom cited by Charles
  Simonyi in "Intentional Programming Innovation in the Legacy Age"

Threaded Code is also similar to an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST);
so, the first time I encountered the concept of Slim Binaries


by Michael Franz


I immediately connected the two. Slim Binaries are, in substance,
*compressed* ASTs. A Slim Binary is obtained by a process of
1) identification of common code patterns in the program source
code, and 2) substitution of these common code patterns with a
reference to a single copy of each pattern (from multiple copies
to sharing of a same subtree in the AST).

In practice, Franz automated a process that a good Forth programmer
do manually: *factoring* (with the advantage that a Forth programmer
sees directly a much more manageable, succint program, compressed
in a meaningful way for *him/her*).

Slim Binary is a good migration format for programs: they
compile, at destination site, faster than textual source code
and migrate faster than pure binary code and source code (of a
language with a verbose syntax) because they are smaller of both.

It is also a good starting point for profile-directed incremental
(re-)compilation (but Franz probably ignored the possible connection
between Threaded Code and Slim Binaries: he cited as a cons of
Slim Binaries the fact that they are *not* immediately interpretable
at destination site, which is not true if they are disguised as
Threaded Code).

See "Adaptive Compression of Syntax Trees and Iterative Dynamic
Code Optimization: Two Basic Technologies for Mobile-Object Systems"

Sorry, I'm digressing (so I refrain to speak about possible
compression techniques of source code).

> And somehow I think that all these ideas can come together
> into a coherent, usable system -- taking my language from
> twenty years ago, synthesising proofs of programs,  converting
> to low-level Forthish notation,  and checking these proofs
> while generating machine code.

In a way you are working toward a pratical implementation
of Proof-Carrying Code (http://raw.cs.berkeley.edu/pcc.html
see also George Necula home page http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~necula/)

I think you need to speak with Slava Pestov: its Factor seems
a nice candidate. I don't know what he thinks about proofs
of programs and formal methods in general, but he seems
not allergic to theory (a "disease" so common these days).

> None of these things by themselves seems too big to tackle,
> except they've  gotten my mind tangled into one metarecursive
> lump.
> Yes, I plan to go all the way from formal theory to machine code.

This is a good news for me. Apparently there is no more interest
in formal methods in this project (Tunes). I hope someone will
promptly and strongly correct me.

Recently instead, there is a new effort to produce an Operating
System with formally verified security and correctness properties:

The Coyotos Secure Operating System


It will written in BitC, their language, and so amenable
to proofs of program properties.

I'm curious: what will be the status of your code? Proprietary,
GPL, BSD, other license?


P.S.: sorry for my horrible English.

> -- hendrik

Massimo Dentico

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