Synthesis and Re: LLL

Juliusz Chroboczek jch@clipper
Sun, 18 Dec 1994 21:20:30 +0100 (MET)

> is J. Van Schalkwyk (JVC) <>

  As you might remember, I tried to prove, before the W.-E. that your
hopes I completely mirific.  JVC's answer seemed to imply that he
agrees with me on everything, but arrives to completely different
conclusions.  I have to say that I don't really understand his

> The reason why _I_ve been forced down to a lower and lower level is 
> simply that, although several languages (eg LISP) have very desirable 
> features, and have indeed tickled my fancy, NONE has come up to 
> scratch when it comes to getting down and doing some really serious 
> work (especially as the OS is quietly fucking you underneath, all the 
> time).

  What do you mean by doing really serious work?  Coming to scratch?
Quietly fucking sb. underneath?  (I do understand what fucking is
about, but I have trouble imagining fucking quietly :-) ).
  More seriously, I believe serious work *can* be done in Lisp (next
time you try to imply the opposite, I flame you!).

  In the same message, I tried to explain that having a common LLL is
impossible because of the variety of HLL *and* of hardware
architectures.  You aggreed with the former, but did not speak about
the latter.  I shall elaborate on this while commenting your LLL

>                       There will be deeper (transparent) machine 
> dependent code on each & every machine, but the concise, powerful LLL 
> unifies all. Above the LLL you can have a hierarchy (or whatever) of 
> more abstract constructs. 
  Isn't this a non sequitur?  I thought I just proved that such an LLL
is mirific...

> Can we not have efficient core code (DNA has 4 different bases 
> grouped in triplets) that is simple; fairly complex intermediate 
> levels; and then a fairly well-defined, useful building block (the 
> cell) that encapsulates a lot of hidden processing power, but is 
> nevertheless small enough to be useful? 

  DNA is at the hardware implementation level (it is the actual means
used to store information); the right analogy would be the use of
magnetic material for storing information on disks.  Non relevant to
the discussion.

  In another message, you wrote about the
  Very good proposition, but not for a doubly universal LLL
(i.e. independent of both the application area and the target machine
architecture -- my opinion is that such a beast cannot exist), but for
the actual assembler of a certain machine; that is *not* what we would
  A few examples:

> All references are to DWORDs (32 bits)
  Why?  I'd like the code to work on a PDP-11 (18 bit words).
Furthermore, you are implying that the machine has a flat memory
model, and that addresses are represented with integers (I'd rather
favour an approach with an abstract 'pointer' object -- thus making
the LLL dynamically typed).

> All numbers are hexadecimal
  Is that relevant to the topic of the discussion?  Aren't you mixing
the definition of the language with the syntax of the assembler?

> Naming and operand conventions are 80X86 flavoured
  Exactly my point: you are defining a machine code for *one* single

> b. Registers, Stacks, memory
  Where's the distinction between registers and memory?  If it's only
one of efficiency, it is not relevant.

 [follows the list of all instructions, and an operationally-oriented
very informal explanation.  Nothing is defined.  After that, we get an
exaple of compilation techniques worthy of the first weeks of an
undergrad course.  Follows a more interesting section on the concepts
that Fare introduced informally, which are now translated into the
proposed assembler notation]

> Am I being too simplistic?
  Nope.  You have the right approach to solving a different problem.
You did not design a LLL, you simply created an example assembler in
order to show us how Fare's concepts can be implemented on traditional

> Any comments?
  I just hope I did not sound to much like flaming.  If I did, please
forgive me, and remember that English is a (very) foreign language for

  Merry Christmas!
