Criticism ... synthesis? .. criticism..

Raul Deluth Miller
Sun, 18 Dec 1994 21:06:02 -0500

Dr. J. Van Sckalkwyk:
   ((Parenthetically, tho, if your primitives are really simple and
   _sufficient_ then there should be no reason why you should not
   write a C compiler, a Pascal compiler, or whatever in our LLL
   (let's call it "J").

Um... "J" is already taken.  So is "K", for that matter.

Raul D. Miller          N=:((*/pq)&|)@                 NB. public e, y, n=:*/pq
<> P=:*N/@:#               NB. */-.,e e.&factors t=:*/<:pq
                        1=t|e*d    NB. (,-:<:)pq is four large primes, e medium
x-:d P,:y=:e P,:x                  NB. (d P,:y)-:D P*:N^:(i.#D)y [. D=:|.@#.d