The Cathedral and the Bazaar.

Fare Rideau
Wed, 26 Nov 1997 23:44:55 +0100 (MET)

>: Jerry Fass

> Here is a very useful, and fascinating, document.
> It shows how free software systems evolve,
> via theory *and* experiment.
> Anyone interested in free software should read it.
> If implemented for Tunes, it can aid the Tunes effort.

Yeah, and the original author's address for the document is
It also includes RealAudio recordings of a speech on which
the article is based.

The article has been pointed to by the Tunes Review subproject for
a long time (almost ever since the article was available on the Web).

> It may explain why Tunes progress is so slow.
The real reason is that I'm a lazy slob, unfit to manage a project.
But well, until someone takes over, project management falls back to me.
I've only finished now to fill my registration form.

Been reading a lot about Reflection in various computing settings:
most notably in proof systems (Coq, NuPrl), and rewrite logics
(Maude, SPIKE), or just adhoc object systems (ABCL/R2, RScheme).
Also been reading implementation notes for RScheme, CMUCL, etc.

The Bazaar style of development would require that we release often.
But release what? We don't have anything particular to release;
we don't even have a clear design. It's in most part my fault.
Would someone maintain a list of tasks that can be done for Tunes *now*?

== Faré -=- (FR) François-René Rideau -=- (VN) Уng-Vû Bân -=- ==
Join a project for a free reflective computing system! | 6 rue Augustin Thierry
TUNES is a Useful, Not Expedient System.               | 75019 PARIS     FRANCE -=- Reflection&Cybernethics ==