Wegner OOPSLA'95, Interection vs Turing Machines (was: so-called
Massimo Dentico
Sun, 29 Aug 1999 12:36:39 +0200
François-René Rideau wrote:
> >: Tim Bradshaw <tfb@tfeb.org> on comp.lang.lisp
> > Another formalism of equivalent power to a UTM is the lambda
> > calculus
> I'm _sick_ of hearing such a meaningless statement of "being of
> equivalent power to a UTM" repeated over and over again as a bad
> excuse for bad programming language design.
> I question the meaningfulness of your term "Turing-equivalence".
> What definition of it do you use, if any?
> Equivalent _up to what transformation_?
> Do these transformation correspond to anything _remotely_
> meaningful *in presence of interactions with the external world
> (including users)*?
I think that on this subject the paper of Peter Wegner is
illuminating. Follows a quotation of the abstract and of the
paragraph 2.3 because the original text is quite long (67 pages)
and in this way you could have by yourselves an idea of the
content and you could decide if you want to read it entirely.
However, I hope to don't annoy anyone with this long citation.
Sorry for my horrible English, any correction is wellcome.
OOPSLA Tutorial Notes, October 1995
Tutorial Notes: Models and Paradigms of Interaction
Peter Wegner, Brown University, September 1995
The development of a conceptual framework and formal theoretical
foundation for object-based programming has proved so elusive
because the observable behavior of objects cannot be modeled by
algorithms. The irreducibility of object behavior to that of
algorithms has radical consequences for both the theory and the
practice of computing.
Interaction machines, defined by extending Turing machines with
input actions (read statements), are shown to be more expressive
than computable functions, providing a counterexample to the
hypothesis of Church and Turing that the intuitive notion of
computation corresponds to formal computability by Turing
machines. The negative result that interaction cannot be modeled
by algorithms leads to positive principles of interactive modeling
by interface constraints that support partial descriptions of
interactive systems whose complete behavior is inherently
unspecifiable. The unspecifiability of complete behavior for
interactive systems is a computational analog of Gödel
incompleteness for the integers.
Incompleteness is a key to expressing richer behavior shared by
empirical models of physics and the natural sciences. Interaction
machines have the behavioral power of empirical systems, providing
a precise characterization of empirical computer science. They
also provide a precise framework for object-based software
engineering and agent-oriented AI models that is more expressive
than algorithmic models.
Fortunately the complete behavior of interaction machines is not
needed to harness their behavior for practical purposes. Interface
descriptions are the primary mechanism used by software designers
and application programmers for partially describing systems for
the purpose of designing, controlling, predicting, and
understanding them. Interface descriptions are an example of
"harness constraints" that constrain interactive systems so their
behavior can be harnessed for useful purposes. We examine both
system constraints like transaction correctness and interface
constraints for software design and applications.
2.3 Robustness of interactive models
The robustness of Turing machines in expressing the behavior of
algorithmic, functional, and logic languages has provided a basis
for the development of a theory of computation as an extension of
mathematics. Interaction machines are an equally robust model of
interactive computation. Each concept on the left-hand side of
figure 24 has greater expressive power than the corresponding
concept on the right-hand side. Moreover, it is conjectured that
left-hand-side concepts have equivalent expressive power captured
by a universal interaction machine, just as right-hand-side
concepts have equivalent expressive power of a Turing machine
(universal algorithm machine).
... has richer behavior than ...
universal interaction machine universal algorithm machine
interactive problem solving algorithmic problem solving
open system closed computing system
programming in the large > programming in the small
object-based programming procedure-oriented programming
distributed AI logic and search in AI
scientific modeling paradigm mathematical reasoning paradigm
philosophical empiricism philosophical rationalism
robust equivalence of behavior
Figure 24: Parallel Robustness of Interaction and Turing Machines
Interaction machines provide a common modeling framework for left-
hand-side concepts just as Turing machines provide a common
framework for right-hand-side concepts. The equivalence of the
first five right-hand-side entries is the basis for the robustness
of Turing machines. The corresponding left-hand-side entries are
less familiar, and there has not until recently been a crisp
notion of expressive power for interactive problem solving, open
systems, programming in the large, object-oriented programming, or
distributed artificial intelligence. Interaction machines provide
a crisp model for these concepts and allow the equivalence of
behavior and of interactive problem-solving power to be expressed
as computability by a suitably-defined universal interaction
The somewhat fuzzy notion of programming in the large can be
precisely defined as interactive programming. Large entirely
algorithmic programs of one million instructions do not qualify,
while modest interactive systems with a few thousand instructions
do. The identification of programming in the large with
interactive programming implies that programming in the large is
inherently nonalgorithmic, supporting the intuition of Fred Brooks
that programming in the large is inherently complex. Interaction
machines provide a precise way of characterizing fuzzy concepts
like programming in the large and empirical computer science and
elevate the study of models for objects and software systems to a
first-class status independent of the study of algorithms.
The role of interaction machines in expressing the behavior of
scientific models and empiricism is less direct than their role in
expressing open systems, object-based programming, and distributed
artificial intelligence. The identification of interactive problem
solving with the scientific (empirical) modeling paradigm follows
from the correspondence between interaction and observability
(interaction from the point of view of an agent or server
corresponds to observability by an external client).
Interaction machines express processes of observation and capture
the intuitive notion of empiricism. Moreover, the logical
incompleteness of interaction machines corresponds to descriptive
incompleteness of empirical models. Modeling by partial
description of interface behaviors is normal in the physical
sciences. The incompleteness of physical models is forcefully
described by Plato in his parable of the cave, which asserts that
humans are like dwellers in a cave that can observe only the
shadows of reality on the walls of their cave but not the actual
objects in the outside world.
Plato's pessimistic picture of empirical observation caused him to
deny the validity of physical models and was responsible for the
eclipse of empiricism for 2000 years. Modern empirical science is
based on the realization that partial descriptions (shadows) are
sufficient for controlling, predicting, and understanding the
objects that shadows represent. The representation of physical
phenomena by differential equations allows us to control, predict,
and even understand the phenomena represented without requiring a
more complete description of the phenomena. Similarly, computing
systems can be designed, controlled, and understood by interfaces
that specify their desired behavior without completely accounting
for or describing their inner structure or all possible behavior.
Turing machine models of computers correspond to Platonic ideals
in focusing on mathematical tractability at the expense of
modeling accuracy. To realize logical completeness, they sacrifice
the ability to model external interaction and real time. The
extension from Turing to interaction machines, and of procedure-
oriented to object-based programming, is the computational analog
of the liberation of the natural sciences from the Platonic
worldview and the development of empirical science.
The correspondence of closed systems and philosophical rationalism
follows from Descartes' characterization of rationalism by "Cogito
ergo sum", which asserts that noninteractive thinking is the basis
for existence and knowledge of the world. Interaction corresponds
precisely to allowing internal computations (thinking processes)
of agents (human or otherwise) to be influenced by observations of
an external environment. The correspondence between rationalism
and empiricism and algorithmic and interactive computation is thus
quite direct. The demonstration that interaction machines have
richer behavior than Turing machines implies that empirical models
are richer than rationalist models. Fuzzy questions about the
relation between rationalism and empiricism can be crisply
formulated and settled by expressing them in terms of
computational models.
The equivalent expressive power of imperative (Turing machine) and
declarative (first-order logic) models lends legitimacy to
computer science as a robust body of phenomena with many
equivalent models, including not only Turing machines but also the
predicate and lambda calculus. Church's thesis expresses the
prevailing view of 20th century formalists that the intuitive
notion of computing is coextensive with the formal notion of
functions computable by Turing machines. However, Church's thesis
is a rationalist illusion, since Turing machines are closed
systems that shut out the world during the process of computation
and can very simply be extended to a richer intuitive notion of
open, interactive computation that more accurately expresses the
interactive behavior of actual computers.
Declarative and imperative systems compute results from axioms,
arguments or initial inputs by rules of inference, reduction
rules, or instructions. The interactive paradigm extends the
declarative and imperative paradigms by allowing initial
conditions distributed over time. This extension is analogous to
extending differential equation techniques from one-point to
distributed boundary conditions. In a distributed interactive
system we further extend initial conditions to distribution over
both space and time. Distribution of initial conditions over space
is familiar from multihead Turing machines and does not by itself
increase expressive power. However, distribution over time
increases expressive power:
declarative paradigm: initial conditions (axioms + theorem) +
rules of inference -> (yes + proof) or no
imperative paradigm: initial value (precondition) and program
yields result (postcondition)
interactive paradigm: initial conditions distributed over space
and time, imperative or declarative rules
This analysis suggests classifying paradigms by the distribution
of external interactions over space and time. Differences among
inner rules of computation have no effect on expressive power,
while extension from one-point to distributed interaction over
time increases expressive power. Interaction machines derive their
power from their ability to harness the interactive power of the
environment. Their expressive power is comparable to that of
managers who need not have inner ability to solve a problem since
they can harness the problem-solving power of their employees.
Massimo Dentico