Prism criticism

Tue, 15 Jun 1999 12:08:15 -0700 (PDT)

On Mon, 14 Jun 1999, Thomas M. Farrelly wrote:

> Maneesh Yadav wrote:
> > 
> > Please take me off your cc's
> > Thanks,
> > Maneesh
> > 
> did that help?

In case it wasn't clear, Maneesh has left the TUNES project and does not
wish to have anything to do with it anymore.  Please don't contact him
regarding this.  I suspect he won't answer.  Here is his parting statement
(you can read the whole conversation at or

"<GMOL> You guys are delusional.  You have no goals.  The very basic
design of things like Retro are not even wrong, ask someone who has made
an OS and he'll tell you that.  Fare as a PhD student in CS, I don't know
how you can't point that out.  There is nothing concrete, you are kidding
yourselves if anything useful will come of this.  THe people here are full
of claims not based in reality.

<GMOL> You are not even listening to simple reasoning..enjoy."

David Manifold <> 
This message is placed in the public domain.