Philosophical musings: interpreting models
Laurent Martelli
05 Sep 1999 03:15:43 +0200
>>>>> "Jim" == Jim Little <> writes:
Jim> So it's important to know the limitations of a program's
Jim> original metamodel. And when modeling a new program, it's
Jim> important to specify as little as possible (while still
Jim> specifying everything necessary) so that metaprograms which
Jim> operate on the model may have as much flexibility as possible
Jim> to optomize the program for the user's current computing needs.
I fully agree. That's what I call abstraction. I believe this is the
key to portability and reusability. I think it can be achieved by
minimising the dependencies.
The program `` OUTPUT STDERR,"hello world" '' depends on STDERR and is
therefore less portable than `` OUTPUT "hello world" '', because it
will only run on systems with a STDERR.
Laurent Martelli