A Language for Binary Relational Algebra (close to first-order
arrow logic)
Brian Rice
Sun, 30 Jul 2000 18:20:00 -0700
Apparently, someone has implemented a lazy implementation of the BRA
calculus, which is similar to the arrow logic I have mentioned before. It's
based on Prolog, which results in a lot of properties which make it
unsuitable for my work in a direct way, but it's useful to look at, if you
want to see how arrow ideas translate into programming practice.
I'd like to see someone else write up a review entry for this, as my own
opinion is somewhat biased. Besides, I seem to have little time lately for
anything other than the basic research I am doing into making Tunes-like
object systems out of existing language ideas (focussing of course on Slate
and Arrow for now). My job is taking up a great deal of time lately, so
please bear with me.