Introducing myself and 2 questions

Björnke von Gierke
Wed Jan 2 07:28:01 2002

> The TunesLearningLounge
> (
> a good start to understand what tunes is about. but you will need a lot
> of patience and opennes. and reading many things several times... i
> remember! :)
> 101

Bad thing about that is, that im on a dialup, and its almost impossible 
to get all that info in an offline archive, as it is scatteret all over 
the net, including many downloadable archives...
well, il just wait till weekend (when I am back on internet)

Until then I have some additional sugg/qu-estions:

since I registered (29th) until now (2th) there where 3 posts in the 
main mailinglist. As the others seem to have less activity (Didn't sign 
up, so it's a guess). Why are there even other mailinglists? It's rather 
strange to me that comunication is scattered on purpous like this, only 
for subproject's sake.
Diffrent maillists only make sens if theres too much happening for one 
single list IMHO.
Is the whole homepage generated automaticly, or is it updated by hand? 
Me thinks it's much too clumsy arranged and unintuitiv presentet, maybe 
for compatibility with CLI-Browsers? Would step in here for a new 
design/s if other think too that changes are nessecary.
Faq is too detailed, shoud only give simple clue about what Tunes is. 
Rename current FAQ to "Detailed Info over this Project/OS" or similar.
Is there already a deccission made what userinterface the first version 
will use? (I mean that 'run on top of other os' -thingie) Is It CLI, 
GUI? Or are you targeting directly at voice, gesture, psycokinetic input?
Wouldn't it be funny if the logo would be a picture with a tag on it: 
"This is not a Logo"
Are there webrings for alternative/"homebred" OSes? Why /Why not?

Well I have to go now, Happy new Year!