Kyle Lahnakoski
Mon Jan 28 18:48:02 2002

sayke wrote:
> At 08:59 AM 1/26/2002 -0500, someone with the password to
> wrote:
> >Brian P Templeton wrote:
> >
> > > A multi-arrow is conceptually something like this:
> > >
> > >                               x   y   z
> > >                               ^   ^   ^
> > >                                \  |  /
> > >                                 0 1 2
> > >                                 \ | /
> > >                                  ---
> > >                                   |
> > >
> > > where 0, 1, and 2 are `branch numbers' and x, y, and z are objects in
> > > some 'verse. When the multi-arrow is active, it is considered to point
> > > to only the object at the end of the first branch - in this case, x -
> > > and when inactive, well, it is a complete multi-arrow, not pointing to
> > > anything, but just there. They will probably be used to implement
> > > multiple values.
> >
> >With respect to the multi-arrow, as shown, is it important that the
> >multi-arrow have three parameters (0, 1, 2).  Does the multi-arrow have
> >an identifier beyond these ?three? parameters?
>          and what, pray tell, is the difference between this and a standard
> tree/or list of lists?

I am certain that the described structure can be used to implement
trees/lists and trees/lists can be used to implement the above
structure, but what are you getting at?  :/

>From a conceptual point-of-view I believe that the ordered triple
datastrucure (as above) is the minimum structure needed to describe all
describable structures.  This is my own conclusion, and I am certainly
willing to explore this more.  (Note: I have a dangerously unfinished
page exploring the idea of references, and the conclusion that ordered
triples are necessary at...

A convincing argument that triples are important: both Brian's arrow
(ID, head, tail) and in Lisp cons cells (ID, car, cdr) are triples.  The
"ID" encapsulates the ability to reference (or point to) the arrow or
cons cell respectively.