A case against standards

Armin Rigo arigo@tunes.org
Sun Oct 12 07:54:01 2003

Hello Ilmari,

On Sat, Oct 11, 2003 at 11:03:26PM +0300, Ilmari Heikkinen wrote:
> ...
> The path weight can be computed from the information loss by adding
> together the importances of the properties in the loss set.
> weight = 0
> loss_set.each{ |property| weight += property.importance }

The kind of tool you are building is an enhanced version of 'make' with a set
of properties to guide an inference engine. Conversio is cool and useful;
however I tried to express something different in the draft.

There is a reason why these individual conversion tools have a big number of
options: because only in simple cases can you just talk about "convert this to
that". In general you want more control about the process. I tried to express
this point e.g. in the section about equality: conversion is not an absolute
notion. (This is something I discovered while playing with the construction of
such a meta-converter tool as well :-)

A bientot,
