[unios] scalable kernel
Pieter Dumon
Mon, 7 Dec 1998 12:24:23 +0100 (MET)
From: Pieter Dumon <Pieter.Dumon@rug.ac.be>
If you we want UniOS to be really scalable, we can't use just one kernel.
We will need seperate kernels for single-processor systems, SMP systems
and MPP systems, as well as for NUMA architectures.
I'm addicted to the idea of a HAL, which hides the differences between
systems of teh same type (e.g. single-processor workstations, like x86 and
Alpha which all have pretty the same hardware; and super-servers with lots
of cpus).
You can write a HAL for each computer family member, such as a seperate
HAL for PC's based on i486 and on i686. In this way, you can write just
a few hardware-independent kernels : one kernel for all types of
single-processors, one kernel for SMP , one for MPP etc...
In no way, a kernel can be written that runs on SMP and MPP both.
BUT, and this is the basic idea for a system like UniOS, every kernel has
exactly the same interface to the higher layers. i.e. teh same system
calls, with the same arguments.
ICQ : 12428974
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