[unios] Kernel/Reflection

Tril dem@tunes.org
Thu, 24 Dec 1998 20:46:07 -0800 (PST)

From: Tril <dem@tunes.org>

(I apologize if I am stating the opposite meaning of what you intended.
This statement seemed like a great way to introduce reflection.  My
restatement is really me speaking, just using your wording for my idea.
In fact I'm not sure what you meant by your idea, and I hope you would
explain it.)

Pieter wrote:

> I think you should really seperate the kernel design from the design of
> the higher-level OS services. 

Excellent.  I like this.  Let me restate it with emphasis added:  The
*design* of the kernel should be separate from the *design* of the
higher-level OS services.  In other words, we shouldn't design the high
level OS services around the kernel.  Instead, the high level OS
services (including programming languages) should control the kernel, its
design and implementation.  

That's called reflection.  It's a main feature of TUNES (in big letters at
the top of our web page, www.tunes.org).  When it is strongly supported by
a system, a "kernel", or centralized static controlling unit, can be made
into a decentralized dynamic SLAVE unit, that is, power to the user to
completely reconfigure the topology of information flow in the system.

Basically the kernel warps itself to new configurations based on resources
available and user choices.  Reflection is the ultimate flexibility!

David Manifold <dem@tunes.org>
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