[unios] Re: UniOS Definition & Direction

Pieter Dumon Pieter.Dumon@rug.ac.be
Thu, 7 Jan 1999 18:49:48 +0100 (MET)

From: Pieter Dumon <Pieter.Dumon@rug.ac.be>

> From: Pat Wendorf <beholder@ican.net>

> The object format is cross platform distributable, much like Java byte code.  It is not
> meant to execute, other than in interpreted mode.  I suspect it would only make sense, if
> each object can be compiled onto a target system to allow speed increases.  In other
> words, everything is distributed in the object format, and is compiled when it is
> installed (becomes a semi-permanant part of the system).

- Let's starts  "100% pure" <whatever language> campaign :-)

- I vote "kernel"

- So UniOS is going to be a binary standard ? Hmm.  I think everything
could very easily be implemented usign existing binary object formats like
Java class objects and the ELF object format, and on a
intra-address-space object model like COM. We don't need to use new
object formats to implement new ideas. 


 ICQ  : 12428974

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