[unios] Hi

Bhattacharjee, Ripon Ripon.Bhattacharjee@icn.siemens.com
Fri, 10 Sep 1999 15:27:11 -0700

 I visited your web-site and though impressed and excited I feel that you
guys are still on loose ground.
My thinking is there must be two ways of motivating yourselves into doing
something useful:
1. Find real-concrete flaws with existing OSs and then come-up with a model
which automatically takes care of the flaws.
 e.g saying that the existing OSs are slow and blah blah is not a firm

2. Come-up with a totally different model of an OS. A totally new approach.

 Unless you have a firm goal or objective, I don't see anything happening.
Also there can be a mailing list which is participated by experienced people
of different OSs, inexperienced people who has a dream etc. whose daily
participation may give rise to some idea. In short the participants must
discuss :
1. Different OSs they have knowledge of.
2. Their dream of what an OS should do.
3. Explaining technical questions by other valuable contributors.
4. Exporing validity of dreams proposed by inexperienced users.
etc etc.

That should be good starting point.
Let me know if you already have a mailing list. I wish to participate.