Urgent Update

ktchin at tmp-press.ru ktchin at tmp-press.ru
Tue Jun 11 10:50:23 PDT 2013

There has been first signs of a significant bullish rally!!! H_AIR showed 
big purchases on Monday! Savvy brokers know the opportunity of more huge 
gains are close by you. We are clearly spectating quick start  an important 
short squeeze activity. This is the same sort of indicator we perceive with 
our other monsters, locks are without doubt primed to get major trading to 
determine major profits here. Short squeeze really is quick rise in the 
price of a regular that happens when you will notice not enough supply and 
large surplus of need for the stock. Buying is obviously warming up on 
H_AIR and we forecast prices to move lot better, much faster here. Locks 
are primed and ready to explode!!! Position H_AIR to your investment for 
massive profits - we have been surely purchasing on June 11th and keeping 
these shares lasting.

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