First proposal: what should LispOS feel like?

Mike McDonald
Mon, 05 May 1997 12:12:19 -0700

>Date: Mon, 5 May 97 11:46:34 +0200
>From: Martin Cracauer <>
>To: Mike McDonald <mikemac>
>Subject: Re: First proposal: what should LispOS feel like? 

>> >>   I already have one of these. :-) I'll send you my .ctwrm file that
>> >> gives me Select-E, Select-M, Select-N, Select-W, Select-D, Select-S,
>> >> and Select-T. (Select-L is on my home machine.) I use Caps-Lock for
>> >> the select key. Works great! 
>> >
>> >No go. I use Capslock for backspace already :-]
>>   Ah, an ole Symbolics keyboard fanatic! My former coworker had me set
>> up his xmodmap to do that too. Anyway, that should free up the
>> BackSpace key then! :-) (Pick any key, it's user configurable.)
>How did you configure your Window manager to react on character
>*sequences*, BTW? My one can only react on single keystrokes, which
>may be modified by Mtea, Control, Shift, of course. But I can't make
>it recognize something like 'backspace followed by L', although I
>could make it react on 'Backspace together with L'.

  Use the "right" window manager! :-) I'm using ctwm, a twm
derivitive. It supports two keystrokes sequences, such as:

"Select"=      : all    : f.altcontext
"D"     =      : alter  : f.function "goto-doc"
"E"     =      : alter  : f.function "goto-emacs"
"F"     =      : alter  : f.function "goto-frame"
"I"     =      : alter  : f.function "goto-info"
"M"     =      : alter  : f.function "goto-mail"
"N"     =      : alter  : f.function "goto-news"
"S"     =      : alter  : f.function "goto-shell"
"T"     =      : alter  : f.warpring "next"
"W"     =      : alter  : f.warpto "Netscape"

  This spec means that when I type Select-M for instance, it executes
the user supplied function named goto-mail which happens to have this
definition in my case:

Function "goto-mail"
    f.gotoworkspace "Mail"
    f.warpto "xmh"

  Works pretty good. (This weekend I decided to get rid of all of the
workspaces (virtual root windows) and go back to a single root. Then
the window of interest would just be popped to the top of the window
stack with the mouse centered in it. (I wish warpto would take a x,y
offset for the mouse position.)

  Mike McDonald