Distributed equivalent to :Load Patches

Luca Pisati pisati@nichimen.com
Tue, 06 May 1997 10:35:11 -0700

cwg@deepeddy.com wrote:
> I was thinking about the development model in use when I was a Symbolics and I
> think it would be a wonderful project for someone to figure out how to
> implement a www enabled equivalent to the LispM system system.

You mean a system that knows about sources and binaries being
distributed on more than one host/site ?

This is a classic simple job for using logical-pathnames
(and for using pathnames which knows about how to connect
to specific physical hosts).

> LispOS users should be able to type "Load Patches" and their system would then
> go to my system (or a mirror) to find patches to oomph; Mike McDonald's system
> (or a mirror) to find patches to clim; etc.  I could also authorize certain
> users to make patches directly to oomph which other users's patches would
> require vetting before becoming part of the system.
> Clearly this is (a) a large difficult system to create, and (b) the sooner
> it's created the better.  I know I'm underqualified to design such a thing, but
> if someone out there wants to design an important high-level pieces of the
> LispOS, it sure would be useful to figure out what facilities this would need
> underneath as soon as possible.

Not at all.  We redeveloped such a system (since our software was
ported from Symbolics to SGI), and it works pretty good, and it is pretty
small, too.

> This would provide a whole new approach to distributed software development.
> Just dreaming,
> Chris

This is reality, not a dream.

> --
> Chris Garrigues                    O-              cwg@DeepEddy.Com
>   Deep Eddy Internet Consulting                     +1 512 432 4046
>   609 Deep Eddy Avenue
>   Austin, TX  78703-4513              http://www.DeepEddy.Com/~cwg/
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Luca Pisati		       Voice:	 (310) 577-0518
Nichimen Graphics	       Fax:	 (310) 577-0577
12555 W. Jefferson #285        EMail:    pisati@nichimen.com
Los Angeles, CA 90066          Web:      http://www.nichimen.com