Duty Roster
Jordan Henderson
Wed, 14 May 1997 21:00:53 -0500 (CDT)
Name: Jordan Henderson
Email address: jordan@neosoft.com
Country: Texas, USA
Relevant experience: Language enthusiast. Loved Lisp back at
school (Indiana University, over 15 years ago). Early user of TCL,
which is why I now want to get back to Lisp (disappointed with TCL).
Mostly hobbyist since school in Lisp-like languages, various Schemes.
Lots of C experience. Hacked V7 UNIX sources years ago.
Forth real-time kernel experience, also years ago. Professionally
interested in real-time and near real-time systems, UNIX, VMS, Linux.
Special areas of interest: LispOS for real-time/near real-time
applications. Interested in organizational efforts.
Areas prepared to work on: Web information services to support
efforts. User testing of systems. Commercial promotion of
Level of commitment: Varies. Probably about 3 hours/week minimum.