Scott L. Burson
Fri, 16 May 1997 15:02:15 -0700 (PDT)
From: Pierpaolo Bernardi <bernardp@CLI.DI.Unipi.IT>
Date: Fri, 16 May 1997 18:42:25 +0200 (MET DST)
From: "Scott L. Burson" <>
I kinda thought `symbol-name' would have to copy the string as you suggest,
but one day just a few weeks ago I typed the following at Allegro/Unix:
(eq (symbol-name 'foo) (symbol-name 'foo))
and got back T. "Odd", sez I, "what happens if I modify the string?" Well,
to make a long story short, it eventually became clear that Allegro has some
way of detecting modifications of strings that have been returned from
`symbol-name', and what it does when it detects one is to make a new copy of
the symbol's name. Thus:
You are misunderstanding what you see.
> (setq *str* (symbol-name 'foo))
> (setf (char *str* 0) #\G)
Now you have messed up the symbol FOO
> *str*
> (symbol-name 'foo)
INTERN does not find anymore the old foo, so another symbol named FOO
is created.
*GASP* You're quite right.
-- Scott