Project LispOS

Richard Coleman
Thu, 02 Apr 1998 15:45:04 -0500

Here here some notes about the current status and goals
of the LispOS project.

1) Mike and I have decided on a modified goal for the LispOS
   project.  Initially we are targeting a Common Lisp based
   environment (based on CMUCL) that sits on top of Unix.  We
   hope to develop a free CLIM (Mike has made good progress on this),
   as well as port and extend various other CL applications.
   We hope to bundled all of this in an easy-to-use package.

2) I already have set up a machine that will be the dedicated
   CVS repository for the LispOS project.  The name of the machine
   is currently "".  The machine is not much
   (currently just a Sparc IPX running OpenBSD), but if things get
   rolling, I will invest in something larger.

3) Currently, the only people with access will be myself
   and Mike McDonald.  Once we have something to show, we will
   give read-only anonymous access to the CVS tree.  Eventually,
   a web and ftp site will be created as well.

4) The copyright that Mike and I will be using will be a slightly
   modified version of the one used by Tcl/Tk.  I will include a
   sample copy at the end of this message.  The main rationale for
   this copyright, is that one of the goals of the LispOS project
   is the advocacy of lisp technology both to users and business.
   If someone wishes to commercialize this work, then more power
   to them.

5) This is a long-term project.  Although we hope to leverage existing
   code as much as possible, don't expect this to be completed in a
   month or so.  But just because you don't hear anything, doesn't
   mean that there is no progress.

Richard Coleman

Copyright (c) 1997 Richard Coleman
All rights reserved.

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In no event shall Richard Coleman be liable to any party for direct,
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the use of this software and its documentation, even if Richard Coleman
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Richard Coleman specifically disclaims any warranties, including, but
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for a particular purpose.  The software provided hereunder is on an "as
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