Max has Literate Programming

Mon, 16 Jun 2003 12:07:26 -0700

I've checked in some changes, the most important of which is a switch to 
noweb, a literate programming system.

You now need noweb to run max.  You can install the debian package 

If you have LaTeX (debian packages tetex-bin, tetex-base, tetex-extra), 
you can create the documentation,

So far I've documented the modules max, test, util, and addr.  The .lsp 
files corresponding to these have been removed, and replaced with .nw 
files.  All the other .lsp files will follow as I document them.

I highly suggest reading  It's meant to explain Max in detail,
and in an understandable order.

You can edit the .nw files using any text editor- I'm using xemacs with
noweb mode.  The format is not too complicated; you can read about it in 
"man noweave".

Tril 0. Byte <> 
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