GEN,LLL+ [far27] [arf5] (looks like i forgot numbering no 4)

Andreas Arff
19 Apr 93 10:30:05 +0100

>  I'd like to regularly post a summary of pros, cons, reqs, etc,
> about a standard LLL (or what I began to call a LLL, but I'm sure
> you'll soon find a better word/acronym).
>  This is the first version of the summary.

I totaly agree with you Fare'. It looks more and more like a good idea using
an LLL on each platform. You have my support.

> Language Policy propositions
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> 1) (Fare')
> First have a LLL interpreter in C/C++; then build C/C++ and/or
> NewHLL compiler to LLL (and why not NewHLL <-> C/C++ compilers,
> understanding extensions of C/C++ through added info inside
> comments ?)


> 2) (?) What else ?
> Feel free (=bound 8-) to contribute and correct my poor english and my
> mistypes.
You are not the only one...:-)
>     ,
> Fare
> PS:
> - BTW, what about far23, Andreas ? Even if it wasn't a fundamental
> message, I'd like to have it in my collectin of all my mail about MOOSE.
I didn't have it:-(

sig.'s in for 1000 miles service
        --Andreas Arff