Wed, 27 Jan 93 9:58:05 MET

(To Andreas & Gunnar)
Hello happy MOOSE programmers !
 I'm Fare' ( and I participate to this new OS project.
Firstly, I'd like to say hello ! Then, as I work in the kernel and am studying
the possibility of writing a new language, I'd like to know what is and/or
would be your usage of new language and kernel capabilities; for example
don't you find annoying rewriting many times different versions of the same
algorithm each time you just want to change a little parameter, or else, see
your program run too slow if you produce generic code ?
 Well, could you send we what you are working on; I know many people who like
graphics programming, and one who have built a whole windowing interface in
TP6.0; perhaps one of them would be happy to share your work (if you agree).
 Whatever, good luck to both of you, and greetings from France !
P.S.: and a happy new (chinese) year !