27 Jan 93 20:02:36 +0100

> (To Andreas & Gunnar)
> Hello happy MOOSE programmers !

Oh well, who are you. We are not into this. You must have mistaken us for
beeing somebody else. MOOSE? I've never heard of such a thing, and beeing
mailed by a frog, what could be worse - get your waisted bandwith out of here!
Just kidding :-) (Hope you don't offend ;-)

I'm Andreas.
Good to hear from you! I sincerly wish I could speak french, but I don't :-(.

>  I'm Fare' ( and I participate to this new OS project.
> Firstly, I'd like to say hello ! Then, as I work in the kernel and am studying
> the possibility of writing a new language, I'd like to know what is and/or
> would be your usage of new language and kernel capabilities; for example
> don't you find annoying rewriting many times different versions of the same
> algorithm each time you just want to change a little parameter, or else, see
> your program run too slow if you produce generic code ?

What I'd like most of all is C++. A fast one. Most of the low level functions
will be written in asm. anyway.

>  Well, could you send we what you are working on; I know many people who like
> graphics programming, and one who have built a whole windowing interface in
> TP6.0; perhaps one of them would be happy to share your work (if you agree).

Why not. The biggest problem at the moment is; how do you set gfx-mode.
There are about 50(!) registers that you must change, I have come up with a
new angle on how to solve it, that I'm going to test out. If any of your
friends has got code to do this, I would scream of joy and happines.

If your friends are interrested to join us, make them conntact me, but I
don't want 20 mails saying I once used Borland's graphics library, rather one
saying he is an expert in S-VGA.
Preferrably he should have some experience in programming GUI (as windows,
os2, Mac.).
To the last I mayby should say, I'm not an ace programming gfx, but having
programmed windows for almost two years, I'm ready to do something with it,
and it may cost me effort, and lower grades, but I will learn a lot of things
and I can say - I have tried something to get rid of Windows, the worst GUI,
and programming environment ever made. Sold by large advertisments.

Tell me a little about you. I'm a little bit short on time at the moment,
would wish there were 40hour days.
>  Whatever, good luck to both of you, and greetings from France !
>                                                    ,
>                                                 Fare
> P.S.: and a happy new (chinese) year !

 Mail you tomorrow, from "the Man who lives among the polarbears".

sig.'s in for 1000 miles service
        --Andreas Arff