Dreme: a distributed dialect of Scheme
Massimo Dentico
Tue, 12 Sep 2000 19:31:53 +0200
"Dreme: for Life in the Net", by Matthew Fuchs
Excerpt from Matthew Fuchs home page:
- http://www.cs.nyu.edu/phd_students/fuchs/
The dissertation covers a lot of territory, including:
* Dreme, a distributed dialect of Scheme where all first class
objects are mobile in the Internet. Correct interprocess
communication is ensured through Scheme's lexical scoping rules -
regardless of where objects migrate during a computation (the
Dreme interpreter was written in early 1993).
* An implementable distributed garbage collection algorithm
which eventually collects all garbage (including cycles) on an
open network without any centralized or hierarchical coordination,
meaning it scales with the length of reference chains, not the
size of the network.
* How to escape the ubiquitous GUI event loop and eliminate the
tortured, dismembered programming style it engenders. The
essential realization is that "reactive programming" with
callbacks is really a twisted form of Continuation Passing Style,
a source code transformation commonly used in compilers for
functional languages.
* A way to express user interfaces in a completely platform
independent fashion using SGML and a local interpreter. This also
shows why HTML will eventually die and be replaced by SGML.
Massimo Dentico