Task System and Item Architecture (TSIA) - Practical Graph Reduction
Massimo Dentico
Tue, 12 Sep 2000 19:42:15 +0200
Excerpt from TSIA home page:
- http://www.cs.nyu.edu/phd_students/fuchs/
- http:://www.tsia.org
- http://tsia.webprovider.com
Task System and Item Architecture (TSIA)
- Practical Graph Reduction
For a computer application, a transparent execution is one not
visible to the application. Instead, the execution is managed by a
system external to the application.
Graph reduction (also known as dataflow) long has been a model for
transparent application execution. Given graph reduction, a system
for transparent parallelism, reliability or other execution can be
implemented. Unfortunately, graph reduction itself has not had a
practical implementation.
The Task System and Item Architecture (TSIA) is a recent practical
model of graph reduction. Close ancestors are ALICE and the early
versions of Cilk.
Massimo Dentico