Hardware ideas (still, again, groan)

Glenn Alexander glenalec at shoalhaven.net.au
Fri Apr 4 23:32:58 PST 2003

I dumped all my hardware ideas on my web site this morning (with pretty pictures) at: 
if anyone wants to look at where I'm thinking of heading. 
Comments and criticisms are welcome. 
If I've stuffed up the use of the terms big and little endian, please correct me! ;-) I 
always get confused as to which one I prefer! 
Even as I write this, I'm thinking of small tweaks, so this is no-where near anything 
that could be considered final. I wouldn't expect it to be for many months at least. Big 
changes are likely. 
Since you guys are doing the software I want to run on the thing, anything you have 
to say on the matter will be taken very seriously. 
Regards, Glenn Alexander 

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