Emacs mode brought to functionality

Brian T Rice water at tunes.org
Mon Feb 10 21:25:59 PST 2003

I have just completed most of the common necessary features to the Slate
emacs editing mode, located in the ./etc/ directory of the CVS tree.

In order to load it, you will have to add the directory it's contained in
to your auto-loading path, like so (in your .emacs or ./.xemacs/init.el):

(setq load-path (cons "~/slate/etc" load-path))
(defvar slate-cmd "sbcl ~/slate/slate.lisp")
(require 'slate-mode)

The slate-cmd in my case invokes SBCL, but any common lisp will do, and
as always I recommend the fastest lisp on your platform and compiling it
before using it. :)

Sorry about the lack of activity, but I've had some other activities
taking up my time. Expect some progress on the bootstrap front soon, and I
should have the graphics interface ready for testing soon as well.

Brian T. Rice
LOGOS Research and Development
mailto:water at tunes.org

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