I want to play with making hardware targeting a SLATE-based environment.

Glenn Alexander glenalec at shoalhaven.net.au
Wed Mar 26 20:48:01 PST 2003


I am a hardware tech who has been following SLATE for a while with great interest. I am thinking about putting together an 
open-platform system with the express intention of running a SLATE-based system on it (long-term goal, here - 12-18 months to a 
useful boot, OS avaliability permitting).

I am wondering what characteristics (such as number of CPU registers, register width, presence of a FPU) would be important for a 
language with SLATE's characteristics. There is a whole bunch of widely varied CPU architectures out there and I am basically 
looking for some pointers to thin the selection down a bit to those best suited to this particular type of operating environment.

Thanx, Glenn Alexander.

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