Our web-presence

Brian T Rice water at tunes.org
Fri May 30 17:18:39 PDT 2003

On Thu, 29 May 2003, Brian T Rice wrote:

> I spent a little time today adjusting the front page for the web site, and
> arranged for a tarball to be posted to the site periodically, but mostly
> the site is the same in terms of the information there.
> So, I'm wondering what kind of information would you like to see posted
> about Slate. I have a couple of documents in the CVS repository describing
> the design of the UI and the environment, but they're far from done.
> Site design suggestions are also welcome.

Thanks to some feedback off-list, I have started a Swiki on my workstation
to build out some things. You can access and modify it at:


I'll probably be doing a lot with it in the next day or two. At some point
I'll link to it from the main site.

Is this setup fine for people? I could also set it up on the
slate.tunes.org site at some point when it's ready.

Brian T. Rice
LOGOS Research and Development

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