Interim Update

Nicolas et Ryoko nicolas.pelletier3 at
Tue Oct 21 14:49:28 PDT 2003

Brian T Rice <water at> writes:

> Hello again.

Hi !

> Please bear with the recent lack of communication and visible development
> around Slate. We really are still here, behind the scenes, working on it.

I hope you  are ;-) Slate is quite promising, I  am looking forward to
using future releases !

It is always good to hear  news from the "bleeding edge", although you
may not have much time for this.

> I've been dealing with some difficult financial times recently, which has
> slowed things down and complicated my life, but things should be looking
> better soon...

I wish you good luck !

[Slate 0.2 presentation skipped]
> This sounds like quite a lot when I explain it this way. Most of it is
> done, but there's still some work left. When I do perform tha batch
> update, I'll try to include as many notes as possible, and I am updating
> the manuals to cover this. I'll also create an additional tutorial for the
> libraries, since they're already becoming large enough that a simple
> reference won't do. Anyway, let us know if there's some change you're
> interested in, or some question about our intentions or state of progress
> that isn't too clear.

That sounds exciting.

And how does the Squeak -> Slate translation feel ? I bet a quick port
is  not  too complicated,  but  to  truly  take advantage  of  Slate's
features, you have to rewrite much of the Squeak package...

As for 0.2, the features I  am impatient to see are the multi-tasking,
and then  the streams.  It looks like  a good  start for all  sorts of
networking stuff.


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