Some updates

Brian T Rice water at
Tue Oct 28 19:49:50 PST 2003

In the last few days, some additions have been made to Slate. A summary:

Optional keyword arguments are now available for the interpreter.
Optionals are declared and used as "&keyword:" and default to a Nil value
when not passed by the caller currently. They can also be declared for
unary, binary, and keyword sends equally. Optionals for any block can be
added through "&keyword" in the block header. For both, the name of the
keyword and the resulting input parameter name are the same. This isn't
adequately covered in the manual yet, but I'll have something added soon.
They also aren't used in any libraries yet, while we consider how we would
like to use them and incorporate them into existing interfaces.

Also, I've re-organized the macro section of the programmer's manual to be
more clear about how they work and what their intended purpose and common
uses are. See

Some more additions may be coming shortly. We're also taking suggestions
and comments, as always.

Brian T. Rice
LOGOS Research and Development

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