Avoid optimizing primitive #33 in vm.c (for VC++)

Paul Dufresne dufrp at hotmail.com
Sun Aug 8 21:34:45 PDT 2004

#pragma optimize("g", off)
void _primitive33(struct Interpreter * interpreter, ObjectPointer * 
arguments, unsigned long int argumentsSize, struct OopArray * optionals)
  ObjectPointer y;
  ObjectPointer x;

  x = arguments[0];
  y = arguments[1];
  PSInterpreter_stackPush_(interpreter, ObjectPointer_asSmallInt(x) < 
#pragma optimize("g", on)
seems also enough to be able to go upto the Slate prompt.
But I need to test the VM a bit more to see if it goes well like if I am 
to build a vm in it.

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