Problem trying to change SmallInt < SmallInt primitive

Jaco van der Merwe jaco.lists at
Tue Aug 10 06:02:42 PDT 2004


It seems that the problem occurs when the arguments to the
ObjectPointer_asSmallInt() function are local stack variables, such as x and
y below. Quite interestingly, when I declare x and y as volatile the problem
disappears, which indicates some register allocation problem. Strangely the
problem disappears when the local variables x and y are replaced with their
function argument equivalents, arguments[0] and arguments[1]. I believe this
is worthwhile submitting to Microsoft as a defect.

In the meantime we need a working solution. One option is either to switch
of global optimisation alltogether for the whole project, or finding a way
of structuring the code that does not cause the optimisation bug to surface.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Paul Dufresne" <dufrp at>
To: <slate at>
Sent: Tuesday, August 10, 2004 12:15 AM
Subject: Problem trying to change SmallInt < SmallInt primitive

> I have tried to change the Slate version of primitive33 in
> src/mobius/vm/ext/prims.slate to:
> ===
> x at SmallIntegerTraits < y at SmallIntegerTraits
> [
>   interpreter stackPush:
>     [| a!LongInt b!LongInt |
>     a: x asSmallInt.
>     b: y asSmallInt.
>     ( x < y
>       ifTrue: [CurrentMemory TrueObject]
>       ifFalse: [CurrentMemory FalseObject])] do.
> ] `pidginPrimitive.
> ===
> but got:
> ===
> Generating load of interpreter
> Generating argument
> Casting
> Generating message do
> Checking infixes
> Checking prefixes
> Checking accessors
> Searching for function do
> The following condition was signaled:
> Error: A method translation wasn't found for do.
> The following restarts are available:
> 0)      Inspect a stack frame
> 1)      Abort evaluation of expression
> 2)      Quit Slate
> ===
> Am I trying too much for a primitive, I means evaluating a block?
> --Paul
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