Updated PMD material

Brian Rice water at tunes.org
Sat May 1 17:10:23 PDT 2004

Hello again.

Lee Salzman has drastically grown his original short paper on the PMD 
idea into a full thesis for his graduation requirements as well as put 
together a very nice slide presentation illustrating in simple terms 
what the benefits are to object-oriented programming.

I've added a news item to the main site: http://slate.tunes.org
and added them to the Recommended Reading node of the wiki.

These are well worth reading, and summarize a lot of his work on Slate. 
Some notes on the technical optimizations that were helpful should also 
give some insight into what we've been looking at for performance 
boosts (beyond ditching the Lisp semi-compiler :).


Brian T. Rice
LOGOS Research and Development

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