Does it make sense to remove slots ?

Massimo Dentico m.dentico at
Mon Nov 8 07:42:48 PST 2004

Massimo Dentico wrote:

> So the vagueness of the term [object in Slate] is on purpose,
> deliberate.

Contrary to current uses, where the term is *unconsciously*

> This means that every abstraction is first-class, subject
> to manipulation.

Specifically for the case discussed in this thread,
even types and operations on types are obects:

    2.4 Type Annotations:

    The type system and inference system in Slate is part
    of the standard library, .. 

also see 2.12 Types (

So, is up to you to define a correct method of subtyping and
so a correct subtype relation (wich is different from establishing
a behavioral equivalence relation), in terms of the underline
Slate semantics.

Massimo Dentico

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