Iterating through all image objects

Brian Rice water at
Wed Nov 10 09:21:43 PST 2004

This feature that I mentioned is now implemented in a simple way in the 
cvs code tree, but alpha VMs/images have not been uploaded as using it 
is very crash-prone. Userland code for it is in 
src/mobius/vm/interp/memory.slate and provides an "Image reader" 
iterator as well as a #childStream method for all objects. There's also 
a tentative stream for objects referring to a target object.

Including this feature in builds should not cause issues if you are not 
using it, but be aware that using it will eventually cause bad crashes 
for now.

On Nov 7, 2004, at 3:30 PM, Brian Rice wrote:

> No, not yet. I need to expose the all-object, all-referring-to, and 
> all-delegating-to iteration protocol (see memory.slate) in some 
> primitives to build a toolkit for this. It's not too hard, but I 
> hadn't finished it yet. The idea is that on top of these primitives 
> you would be able to get streams to traverse the Image and build on 
> that.
> I'll inform when it's ready (maybe I'll push and make that today).
> On Nov 7, 2004, at 2:50 PM, Todd Fleming wrote:
>> Let's say I have a prototype P with some slots. Let's also say that P 
>> traits has several roles. I clone P several times. I discover that I 
>> need to add some more slots to P and some more roles to P traits that 
>> need those slots. Is there an easy way to add the slots to existing 
>> objects that delegate to P traits?

Brian T. Rice
LOGOS Research and Development

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