no dlfcn.h on MSYS (MINGW32) building on Windows

Paul Dufresne dufresnep at
Fri Aug 5 14:08:39 PDT 2005

On Fri, 05 Aug 2005 10:54:02 -0700, "Lee Salzman" <lsalzman1 at>
> Let me clarify: YOU NEED TO USE MSYS. However, you need to set 
> PLATFORM=mingw in the Makefile. Understand?
Yes, that's clear!
I redownloaded slate-current.tgz, and change just this in the Makefile.

I indeed have while building:
make -C src/mobius/vm/platform/windows/
make[1]: Entering directory

but still got on ./vm.exe little.image:
Loading 'src/lib/path.slate'
The following condition was signaled:
The method #from:to: was not found for the following arguments:
]. {#obj1. #obj2}. []}

But like I said, I'll get DARCS installed, and try with latest sources

-- - Or how I learned to stop worrying and
                          love email again

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