addSlot complicating module handling

Mark Thoma mark.thoma at
Mon May 9 07:43:12 PDT 2005

Brian Rice <water <at>> writes:
> Type-safety and static analysis are intended to be done in sub- 
> contexts of this general system where there are invariants like "no  
> one's adding slots arbitrarily". We're not there now, but will be  
> sometime in the future.

Will we have this in Slate 1.0 or earlier?

> As for modularity, the Self system came up with a module concept  
> oriented to slot-separability which is somewhat detailed here (in  
> slide mode, click through for the rest of the explanation): http:// 
> ImportantObjects/Modules.html
> (Top-level of that tutorial: 
> Self-4.0/Tutorial/index.html)

So you want to annotate all slots with the owner module's name? Is this already
done or will it be implemented together with module unloading?

> And, yes, there is an optimization/binary-compilation framework in  
> Slate already, but it is not ready for deployment - see src/mobius/ 
> optimizer/ and related directories (mapped out in README). We've been  
> focussed on design issues before speed.

Do you think Slate will achieve the speed of Java in the general context and be
on par with C in its sub-contexts?


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