Can an Operating System be written un C-unlike programming language

Steven Shaw steshaw at
Wed May 11 17:51:44 PDT 2005

On 5/11/05, Lee Salzman <lsalzman1 at> wrote:
> It really is dirt simple to write an operating system in Slate.

Cool - let's do it!

I think makes more sense to use an existing bootloader such as grub
rather than rewriting one.

I don't know what you mean by interrupt stub. Don't some some parts of
drivers (I think they call it the top-half in Linux) need to be
interrupt/trap free? Are you saying that that part can be written in a
general way, handing off to regular Slate code? The Slate code becomes
then the "bottom-half" in Linux-speak. I though that the top-half must
reply to the hardware in most cases, so I guess that means there would
be some assembly required in most hardware drivers...?

There will probably also be some assembler parts to handle
synchronisation primitives and maybe task switching... yes?


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