Trouble getting slate gui started from instructions

Brian Rice water at
Sun Apr 9 11:33:19 PDT 2006

On Apr 8, 2006, at 11:54 AM, Timmy Douglas wrote:

> Brian Rice <water at> writes:
>> Okay. Unfortunately I wasn't able to test it myself since the setup
>> on this machine won't build against cairo correctly.
>> The #formats bug in cairo.slate can be traced to (using grep) line
>> 56, which I have patched and uploaded.
>> I'll try to fix my build issue tonight and figure out the rest of
>> the bugs. Thanks.
> Have you had time to work on this?

Not really. My life just became extremely busy and seems like it will  
be until then end of the month.

> I'd like to be able to help but
> I'm still a little new to the slate environment. Here is the error:
> The following condition was signaled:
> The method #Cairo was not found for the following arguments:
> {lobby}
> (some time later)
> It looks like to me that it some how got the first pair into the
> 'Cairo formats' namespace, but then it couldn't find Cairo the second
> time in the do block. So I don't really get the error that much. Or
> maybe there was some parser error after the do (where did the period
> go?) and the Cairo from two lines down got sucked in.

It's the same darn bug, with "ensureNamespace: #Cairo" not being  
explicitly prefixed by the lobby. I've pushed a patch for it.

> Also I had a question about how to find documentation. For example if
> I want to look up something like define: or addSlot:valued: or
> compareAndHashUsingSlots:, where would I look? Would I just have to
> grep the codebase? I couldn't find this kind of stuff in the index of
> the online docs I was looking at. I'm just wondering the best way.

Mostly, I suggest grep'ing. Introspection methods in the image are  
available to find compiled-methods from which you can get their  
sourceTrees, but those have comments stripped and macros expanded.  
Basically there is no source database in Slate yet, so it's simplest  
to grep src/ or src/lib/ or src/mobius/.

Slate> #compareAndHashUsingSlots: findOn: {Root. NoRole}.
Slate> #compareAndHashUsingSlots: implementations &in: prototypes.
{"Set" [compareAndHashUsingSlots:]}

> This summer (in about five weeks) I'll have more time to work on slate
> and hopefully getting some sort of usable ui working.

Thanks. There may be some useful work on the performance issue soon,  
which should help and maybe will draw Todd back in as well.


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