[FIX] UI Bitrot

Todd Fleming todd at flemingcnc.com
Tue Apr 11 18:57:08 PDT 2006

Timmy Douglas wrote:

>wait, you lost me there. how would loading it twice break something?
Loading it twice might not be the problem per se; but loading it in the 
middle of itself is.  Weird things happen under that condition.

>>Bug 2
>>This caused constructors to be initialized with a (wrong) symbol
>>instead of a list.
>yeah, I found that and it was in the patch I posted. I think I
>remember looking at the old code but I never noticed it then since I
>was probably thinking in smalltalk's one-indexed mode. tricky...
Oops, I didn't spot that in your patch; you did catch it.  Your case 
changes and your extra
"event@(Event traits) construct: _@#MouseMotionEvent" are unnecessary.

>>Bug 3
>>Added "lobby" in several places.
>what is wrong about this? I think adding slots needs to have an
>explicitly-specified namespace. I didn't know what namespace to use
>besides "lobby" though.
I should have worded it: "lobby" was needed in several places.

>>#MouseLeaveEvent refers to a prototype in the events namespace.  The
>>right column contains the symbols used for "event@(Event traits)
>>construct: _@#blah".  They aren't capitalized because they are not
>ok. I wrote a little something about that in the patch message I sent
>earlier. I guess I think it could be a little misleading with the
>names matching up like that but with the subtle case difference. Maybe
>something like #fetchMousePosition would have made it so I caught on
The names are different.  #osWindow, #mouseButtonPosition, and 
#mouseMotionPosition refer to constructors; they have names similar to 
the slots they initialize.  #*Event refer to prototypes in the events 

A side note: the #mouseButtonPosition and #mouseMotionPosition dichotomy 
is an artifact of SDL; it uses different union members for different 
types of mouse events.  The *Event prototypes uniformly name this #position.


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