My Current Lack of Time

Brian Rice water at
Wed Apr 12 20:21:52 PDT 2006

I will just summarize:

1) New job - not directly helpful for Slate, but not negative to it  
at all. I seem to have a lot of pull and it seems like a *really*  
good opportunity, and, no, I cannot discuss it yet.
2) Moving a little away from downtown Seattle - mostly just for the  
next 7 days, I'm moving to a "less urban" neighborhood (but not the  
3) LinuxWorld/Smalltalk Solutions - again, 22nd through the 27th. I  
will want to talk to a lot of people but will not present much formally.
4) New Slate hacker, with whom I'm working off-list. Maybe that will  
change soon; I'm not sure yet.

This seems like it will all settle down after a month or so, with the  
job obviously being the longest-lasting busy-ness. I should not lose  
connectivity during the move, either.


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