AHLL objects
Anders Petersson
Sat, 09 Oct 1999 18:41:54 +0200
I'm continuing the thread from IRC last night. This is much loud thinking.
We want the player [object] to "see" and be able to change certain things
about his own object, while other things should only be accessible thru
protected functions. So, we have the problem of restricting a player access
to his own character (as an example).
Solution 1
One solution is to require some sort of declaration of an object [or object
type]. All declarations wouldn't have to be complete... the player would
only get a definition including what he is allowed to do. All subobjects
are there, unaccessible as accessible ones, but to actually use any of them
requires you to have seen them in a definition, a definition that we may
define as we wish.
(The subobjects I'm considering now are things like information on where
the character is located, his health and stuff (and inventory, for that sake).)
+ Everything can be there without fuss.
- How to gain or loose rights not investigated; another object seems fit
for storing declarations. This would multiply the object numbers though, it
seems like.
+ Declarations can be shared, thus reducing complexity and ease making changes.
- A method that needs access to even the smallest thing restricted needs a
new definition object. (Unless the declaration can be shared, or
declarations could have additions defined. Or, pointers directly to the
needed variables/whatever (not the parent object).
+ Perhaps could definitions also contain information about allowed
operations (could simply depend on declared object type - methods incuded
as variable (or even constant) could only be evaled, etc.)
+ With definition objects, a member method could simply have a link to the
parents definition to inherit all rights.
Solution 2
Make objects in levels, so things the player must not access is high in the
structure, while accessible items all stem from a common branch. The player
would then not be given a pointer to the "top" of the character object, but
merely to the common branch. The usual rules says that you see what is
under an object you have access to, so you get the correct rights while
everythin is still there. Ofc, functions need to contain a pointer to the
top structure if they need to do something important (so they get access to
what the player must not access personally.
+ No definition objects needed - only pointers that give access to
everything below.
- Objects have to actually be designed with the allowed levels of access in
- This design would make objects more complex
- No natural model of fine-grained restriction of access to objects
In both models, there is a need for running methods that have access to
protected variables. You must have right to evaluate the function, but not
to make changes in it or even see the code contained. And, needless to say,
the player can't have direct access to the protected variables the method
functions on, but the method itself must. One scenario is when a method
simulates a variable - you can take the value of it, without worrying if
it's a variable or a method.
This is something I've thought about; the default way to get the value of
something should be to evaluate it; this would return the direct value of a
variable or constant, and if the object is a method, run it to return the
computed answer.
Example of solution 1:
TargetObj = (
method isUp = (
return eval(see-if-up)
else if(dark):
return eval(feel-if-up)
method doThis = (
Def = (
variable isUp
method doThis
Me = (
<link-to TargetObj> as <link-to Def>
f = (
if(TargetObj.isUp): //According to what 'Me' knows from 'Def', 'isUp'
is just a variable
print('Yes, target is up.')
for x in TargetObj.doThis: //Select each line in method doThis in order
The ahll interpreter must have access to some kind of complete definition
of all objects. It would then choose an action depending on how the
caller's definition fit with the real definition. Or maybe that is rather a
job for the compiler (compiles into the object format).
Function vs variable
functions could be treated as variables if the following rules were there:
f = x => eval(f(x))
y = f => y = eval(f)
f == x => if(eval(f(x)))
..and no compiler optimizations are made. ('eval' here is just to denote
that the function is run instead of used as a data structure.)