Tunes going WWW...

Francois-Rene Rideau rideau@clipper
Tue, 10 Jan 95 4:37:11 MET

   I've just begun writing a WWW home page for the Tunes project.
Currently, it contains mostly pointers to other WWW addresses with
papers about distributed or persistent systems.
Please send any proper suggestions as to how to organize it,
and any feedback about the material already there.
Also, do read the papers pointed to, if you have time, and do send
back your opinions, or new pointers...

   I think html is the way to go to write our documents (until we can
implement something better ourselves). So here I propose that our project
goes WWW. Maybe that's the easiest way to distribute the work to begin with:

* each sub-project would have its own page, etc
* the sub-project would *be* the page and associated files.
* every page page should be a html document that'd document the project.
* the subproject maintainer is responsible to keep the page up to date
* he would also have to keep the manager of the parent project up to date
* the manager of the parent project would be responsible for archiving
  all the subprojects.
* a manager not able to fulfill his duties should be replaced as soon as
* if he can fulfill them again, he can be reintegrated.

   So, the question is who among you doesn't have a html reader (say, Mosaic
or Netscape) ?
   Unix and MacIntosh versions are freely available. I dunno about free
readers under Windows, but there may be; else, linux is a good choice for a
cross-development platform anyway.

--    ,        	                                ,           _ v    ~  ^  --
-- Fare -- -- Francois-Rene Rideau -- +)ang-Vu Ban --
--                                      '                   / .          --
TUNES is a Useful, Not Expedient System		          |   |   /
WWW:		         --- --- //
Snail mail: 6, rue Augustin Thierry 75019 PARIS FRANCE   /|\ /|\ //
Phone: 033 1 42026735                                    /|\ /|\ /