Greetings and Comments

Francois-Rene Rideau
Mon, 18 Mar 1996 05:41:33 +0100 (MET)

> Greetings to anyone listening! There doesn't seem to be much activity
> here, but I would like to get involved with the Tunes project. It seems
> very much in tune (pardon the pun) with my own musings on OS design. I
> am able to work on the project for a few hours per day.
We need you !!! (see Uncle Sam recruit propaganda ;)

> I would like to quickly summarize what I have gleaned from the web pages
> and mailing-list archive, tempered with my own feelings on some topics.
> Hopefully I may clarify things for others as well as for myself.

> As it stands now (and as I think it should), the HLL development is
> tending toward a specialized dialect of LISP.
As a first step. Like Dylan people, we hope to support infix syntax, too,
because it sells better; actually, we wanna eventually be syntax-independent.
But LISP is a *very* good point to start from.
Never enough thanks to Patrick for taking me off ASM/M4 and FORTH
(which I still like, but ...).

> Adding formal object specification [to LISP] for provability
> is almost trivial.
Nope, not to usual LISP. Not unless special stylistic care is taken
everywhere, which will be the case; until it's no more LISP, but the HLL.

> The foremost item of business in the design of the Tunes system is the
> definition of the HLL (on which I would like to work). It seems that,
> due to lack of interest among other project "members," Francois-Rene
> Rideau and Patrick Premont have gone ahead with tossing around some LLL
> code for the i386 implementation, though they still don't have a very
> good idea of what they're trying to implement.
I'm just publishing the few that I have done from Patrick's 0.3 now
as the latest tunessrc.tgz (tunesdoc.tgz updated also, bin shouldn't have
changed for some time). Old .m4 stuff lies in the latest "official"
release; surely I should make a new official release
but I don't have time for now.
Sorry for being so late: I have many real-life problems
(as things are growing, my whole real life is becoming a problem, actually).
Advice: I may be slow, so do not ever wait for me; I'll cope up.
If you're in advance, then YOU shall take the lead, and correct
the WWW pages I miswrote, and develop the Scheme code.
I'm not a leader, except de facto, because nothing better was found,
but this may change. Change it. But do not drop the project !

> How does that all sound? Is anyone else out there?
   Apart from the slightly inexact details above, you seem perfectly in tune.
Welcome to you, my friend. A long and hard road awaits you (and us all).

> Looking forward to a useful system,
> - Justin Sampson - -
Usefully yours,

Hoping to still exist on the net next week,
--    ,        	                                ,           _ v    ~  ^  --
-- Fare -- -- Francois-Rene Rideau -- +)ang-Vu Ban --
--                                      '                   / .          --
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		   TUNES is a Useful, Not Expedient System
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