about TUNES (fwd)

Fare Rideau rideau@nef.ens.fr
Fri, 26 Sep 1997 19:41:34 +0200 (MET DST)

Dear TUNESpeople,
  here is a message I received about TUNES (that's not the first likewise).
Follows my answer (half spanish), where I discourage the study of TUNES if
a real running OS is meant.

-- #f

Reply-To: <juanky@maxwell.univalle.edu.co>
Date: Wed, 24 Sep 1997 10:48:19 -0500 (GMT)
From: Juan Carlos Reyes <juanky@maxwell.univalle.edu.co>
To: rideau@clipper.ens.fr
Subject: about TUNES

Hi, I am doing a homework about a O.S. I chose TUNES and I would like to
know some characteristics about it; for example if is a multiprocess o
multithreads system,its concurrency,etc. and also what will happend with
this system in next years.
Thanks for the information.

Juan Carlos Reyes 
Ingenieria Electrica

Caro Juan Carlos,

> Hi, I am doing a homework about a O.S. I chose TUNES and I would like to
> know some characteristics about it;
   no sé si está una buén idea que escojas TUNES para tu tarea de clase,
porque el proyecto todavía quieda muy teórico, su realización no estando
mucha adelantada. Yo creio, con los otros miembros del proyecto,
que el sistema tiene un grán potenciál, y es muy realizable,
pero tengo que reconocer que no hay bastante elementos concretos
para constituir un sistema operativo que ya funciona.

> for example if is a multiprocess o
> multithreads system,its concurrency,etc. and also what will happend with
> this system in next years.
[Los detalles técnicos en inglés]
TUNES will promote an intrinsically parallel model of computation,
unlike process-based OSes that merely allow the coexistence of coarse-grained
monolithic sequential "processes" (even with multithreading extensions).
There will be futures and continuations much like what happens
in Scheme-based OSes (or the Fox project), which will provide a fine-grained
low-level expression for concurrency and threads
(continuation==reified thread state).
Closures will provide a uniform way to achieve abstraction, locality,
security, structuration, and modularity, instead of functions vs objects,
global vs local variables, access modes, pointers, and class hierarchies vs
file hierarchies.

As for next few years, I hope that a minimal running version of TUNES
will be running on top of the OS Kit before next summer,
then to find fundings and/or free software developers support
to develop TUNES as a large scale platform-independent OS.
   In a further future, I'd like very much to implement TUNES
on fine-grained parallel computers, such as clusters of MISC with on-chip RAM
(not anything like huge CPUs with huge flat memories and hardware memory
management), which I hope will be available in a few years,
and will require an OS unlike traditional coarse-grained
architectures to make the most out of them.
This could really be a killer wrt to performance/price ratio,
portable computing, dynamic upgradability and connectivity, etc.

Si continuas a estudiar TUNES, estaré listo que ayudarte, y los resultos
de tu estudia me interesarán mucho. Si eliges que estudiar otro S.O., te
deseo buena suerte.

PS: por favor excusa mi mal español, puesto que nunca lo hé estadiado
o practicado mucho.

PPS: ¿estás tu in Colombia? ¿Comó está la vida ahí?


== Faré -=- (FR) François-René Rideau -=- (VN) Уng-Vû Bân -=- rideau@ens.fr ==
Join a project for a free reflective computing system! | 6 rue Augustin Thierry
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