What about this?

Maneesh Yadav 97yadavm@scar.utoronto.ca
Sun, 08 Feb 1998 16:53:14 -0600


Thinking about the byte code thing....
I'm begining to think that storing programs in a standard HLL format and a
compiled format on each machine is a reasonable method for portability,
instead of having some sort of assembly to HLL inverter (geeze that'd be
pretty hard to write).

I see a lot of "big" prgrams out there are mostly data.... storing only the
code part in a portable form and a compiled I think is not such a bad idea
(how do you share data betwwen the HLL and compiled form, well I have further
ideas about how programs should store data, but for now just humour me)...
you get portability and performance...

I say this is reasonable since memory is cheap and is getting cheaper, after
all we do things in games today that we wouldn't have dared do a few years
ago simply because we had a limited amount of CPU speed...

Perhaps there could be protection access specifiers to mark something as un
exportable, in order to prevent sending very hardware specific things (memory
managers, pagers etc.) and saving space....

Perhaps we wouldn't even need to store the HLL format, except as a link to
another machine which stores it where you download the program and your
machine compiles it...

So whatdya think?