Intro post, and response to archives...

David Jeske
Thu, 1 Oct 1998 20:46:11 -0700


I noticed the Tunes project way back when it started, but at the time 
I was busy chasing other fish. I've checked in from time to time to 
see what was going on.  
Recently I've decided that too many of my ideas have started to 
collide with ideas in the Tunes concept, and that it's time to join 
the list, so here I am. Besides, I'm tired of trying to convince   
Linux, KDE, Gnome, UNIX, etc developers that the fitire isn't sitting 
inside /etc/footab, or at the end of some new environment variable.
In reading through some of the semi-recent archives, I ran across
this, which I found not only collides with many of my thoughts, but
also seems to have quite a bit of clarity to it:

Written by David Manifold <> around June 22,1998:
> To execute different languages, Tunes follows constraints to
> translate expressions in the specific language into expressions in
> the system hardware.  You could say that Tunes is a translator, and
> anything you do in the system can be thought of as a translation.
> The system hardware is an abstraction that describes the low-level
> workings of a particular machine in (complete) detail.  Tunes, as
> translator, converts your high-level expressions that you
> understand, by finding *equivalent* expressions in the context that
> the hardware understands.  For example, everything must be
> translated to machine code in order to run (normally the job of what
> we call a compiler).  For Tunes, compiling is just following
> constrants to adapt some expression into machine code.  The
> constraints of machine code are treated by Tunes just like any other
> language that it has defined.

Sometime in the near future I'll try to write up a concise description
of what overlap and gaps occur between the ideas I've come up with
over the last several years, and the things you all have been talking
about on the Tunes list...after I get through more of the archives.

David Jeske (N9LCA) + +